青浦安联虹悦官方网站 | 官方售楼处发布:绿意盎然的生活!|徐泾|华新|实景图|舒缓雅居新篇章
【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』虹桥主城区旁华新板块核心位置安联·虹悦在售建面约133-88㎡精装准现房!均价约4.6万/㎡,总价约358万起!约7500㎡中央景观实景25号正式开放!【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!地段:多维交通高效出行,丰盛配套无需等待入主即享!作为虹桥主城区的一线辐射板块,安联·虹悦距离虹桥主城区红线直线仅约1.8公里,价格却大幅度低于虹桥拓展区,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!甚至低于更远的赵巷!更重要的是,项目不仅是价格洼地,当地配套的成熟度和产业能级,还远超你的想象。①交通出行方面:首先在项目家门口有多条飞路巴士【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!,比起普通的公共线路至少有3大优势:第一、早晚20+密集班次,解决业主早晚通勤等候时间长的问题;第二、特快专列,快捷通达虹桥枢纽,无论是虹桥上班还是换乘其他交通工具都非常方便;第三、单人专座,舒适通勤,眯一会或者看会书,碎片时间随心利用!另外,项目还为业主提供免费的专属社区巴士(3年)【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!,在小区正门发车也是一人一座,这是独属于业主的专项服务,同板块其他小区的人不能搭乘,更大程度上保证了项目业主能准时上车,让业主早晚高峰出行更加从容!实景图其次,项目周边有沪常高速、京沪高速、沈海高速、嘉闵高架【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!、崧泽高架等5大路网,轻松抵达虹桥商务区、中山公园、人民广场等城市地标。最后项目还有地铁预期!据《虹桥国际中央商务区-综合交通专项规划(2021-2035)送审稿》显示:25号线走向为纪王—徐汇,在华新设置2个站点,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!其中一个站点就设置在安联·虹悦门口的华志路上。备注:25号线的规划为过程稿,仅供参考,以官方最终公示为准最终落地当然还要看官网公示,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!但假如华新真的通了25号线,板块的战略地位和出行格局无疑将迎来3大质变:· 华新地铁直达虹桥核心区,进一步接收大虹桥发展红利;· 华新通过25号线直达徐汇,成为传统市中心需求外溢的新兴板块;· 华新无缝换乘13号线,13号线是和2号线一样的横向地铁线路,直达南京西路、淮海中路等城心板块。届时华新、华漕徐泾的战略地位将平级!【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!假设以上成立,华新的未来前景不言而喻。即使不成立,安联·虹悦给出的400万级入主虹桥一线辐射板块的机会仍然很香!总之,均价约4.6万/㎡现在抢住华新,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!已然是立于不败之地!项目效果图,仅供参考②商业配套方面:在徐泾新房还在为一个超市纠结不已的时候,位于华新核心区的安联·虹悦,家门口就有新尚生活广场,向北步行可达约7.7万方的博隆虹桥商业广场,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!一街之隔还有虹桥宝龙城。周边更有朋联国际购物中心、西郊乐缤纷广场、Costco、【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!山姆会员店等近40万方大体量的商业配套,无限繁华触手可及!示意图,仅供参考博隆商业广场【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!Costco效果图③教育和医疗资源方面:项目周边有华新中学,华新中心小学、【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!华新幼儿园,上海闵行区诺德安达双语学校等。免责声明:预售房屋不划分学区,项目周边学校等教育资源的介绍仅为提供相关信息参考,开发商不对项目交房后所属学区、【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!学校做任何承诺,教育资源分配或学校/学区划分以及学校的具体招生规则等请以政府相关主管部门、教育机构公开的最新信息为准。医疗资源方面,项目周边有华新镇社区医疗卫生中心、上海华泰医院、复旦大学附属华山医院(三级综合性医院,上海市医保定点单位)、【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!新虹桥国际医学中心等。示意图,仅供参考④最后来看产业。这一点真是超乎大多数人的预料。华新以20万的常住人口铸就全国少有的千亿产业集群【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!,作为青浦发展先进制造业和现代服务业的重要承载区、华新镇已基本形成以汽车零部件为核心的高端制造业和以快递总部企业为核心的现代化服务业两大产业集群。如果华新未来能并入虹桥创新协同区,产业赋能无疑能更上一层楼!【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!示意图,仅供参考社区:国企匠造高品质水岸半岛社区,实景示范区5月18日预开放,25日正式开放!在城市的钢筋丛林中,工作交际的喧嚣繁忙里,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!偶尔跳出,享受轻松愉悦的度假是件无比奢侈的事情。所以“结庐在人境,而无车马喧“的度假感,几乎是人居体验的终极梦想!没想到,连千万级豪宅都无法企及的境界,却在总价约358万起的安联·虹悦身上绽放!据最新消息!项目小区大门和约7500㎡中央景观实景示范区5月18日预开放,25日正式开放,梦想中的居住环境照进现实【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!赶紧文末报名预约,来现场参观吧~项目天赋异禀,三面滨水,天生自带依水而居的浪漫!开【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!发商也充分发挥了这一优势,打造了一个水岸半岛智能化社区,惊艳虹桥!项目效果图,仅供参考外立面方面,项目锻造钻幕美学立面,搭配大面积Low-e玻璃以及铝板,通过南向大比例窗墙比,让房间尽享阳光美景,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!远远望去犹如透明的玻璃盒子,科技化十足,时尚美观!项目效果图,仅供参考社区方面,项目打造全龄段,全维度活力健康住区,以“两轴一心、一环五区”园林景观规制约7500㎡中央景观,高配约600米环形健身步道。【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!要知道现在都市露营已经成为一种时尚,每到周末上海郊区的大草坪永远是人满为患,所以现在一个词叫“草坪自由”。安联·虹悦直接将别人欣羡的诗和远方,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!摆到社区中央,业主回家后即能享受生活的静谧和松弛,惬意地躺在草坪上看书,甚至家门口陪孩子扎帐篷、嬉戏奔跑……诗意浪漫的生活不就是这样吗?项目效果图,仅供参考项目效果图,仅供参考除了居住环境静谧优雅,项目对于归家仪式感的打造也堪称宗师级别!安联·虹悦全方位高标准提升,打造高品质星空顶地库,地上地下双精装入户大堂,让业主的每次归家都备受尊崇!【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!颜值出众的同时,项目还插上了智能化的翅膀,不仅让业主拥有一个安全的社区环境,更能享受智慧科技带来的时尚居住体验!项目效果图,仅供参考项目效果图,仅供参考户型装修:建面约133-88㎡精装准现房火热在售中!安联·虹悦目前在售建面约133-88㎡3-4房,户型面积跨度较大,适配不同家庭周期,只要你看好大虹桥的发展,看好华新的潜力,总有一款适合你!【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!当然,项目的户型设计也是大师级水准,我们重点来看建面约88㎡和99㎡户型。①建面约88㎡户型解读:功能性上,该户型已然赢了一半!3房功能性适配更长家庭周期,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!没有小孩之前,客房、书房、娱乐室随心搭配。未来有了小孩,小孩一间,父母一间,三代同堂温馨无比。格局上,该户型做到了三开间朝南,采光性能优异,业主起居之间沐浴充足阳光。主次卧附带飘窗,客厅外接南向观景阳台,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!大量灵动空间增强了户型对外的延展性,也提升实用率。细节处理到位,卫生间干湿分离、厨房U字型设计,皆是利用率更高的做法!②建面约99㎡户型解读:该户型是市面上备受欢迎的飞机户型。三开间朝南+南北通透,采光和通风效果双爆棚。客餐厅一体化+开放式厨房+大尺度观景阳台,整个公区几乎没有面积浪费,营造的空间感和尺度感远超同价位其他竞品!【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!房间分列客厅两侧,卧室之间干扰少,私密性更强!主卧套房设计,自带衣帽间+卫生间+飘窗,气度非凡,尊崇备至。更惊喜的是,项目在精研户型设计的同时,还给出了充满诚意的精装配置。电热毛巾架、隐藏式窗帘盒、恒温水龙头等30项细节营造精致生活体感,新风系统、地暖系统、中央空调标配品牌三大件精装交付【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!,真正实现刚需价格越级改善!项目样板间实景图可作参考:除了价格劲爆,项目还有一项独特的优势,那就是项目已经是准现房状态!要知道,取证条件的放松让当下新房项目从土拍到上市的时间被大大压缩,几乎是上半年拿地下半年开盘,反而让开盘之后到交房的等待时间增加【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!据统计,目前5月份上市的新房项目,大部分都是2026年中旬甚至2026年年底交付,中间有24-30个月的等待期,你知道这意味着什么吗?· 得先还贷:以总价400万为例,首套贷款约280万,每月还款约1.3万(按最新商贷利率计算)。房子住之前,先给银行还贷=约1.3万×30月≈约40万!【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!· 同步租房:内环内一套品质不错的3房,至少得6000元/月,租金=6000元×30月=18万!· 焦虑等待:期房能否按时交房、是否与宣传一致等“不确定性”让人十分焦虑;而准现房的安联·虹悦比起同期新房,【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!不仅能节约大量的时间与金钱,还能所见即所得,买得放心买得安心!【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" next to the main city of HongqiaoHuaxin plate core locationAllianz HyattIn the sale of about 133-88㎡ hardcover quasi existing house!The average price is about 46,000 /㎡, the total price is about 3.58 million!About 7500㎡ Central Landscape 25 officially opened! 【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life!【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life!Location: Multi-dimensional transportation efficient travel, rich support without waiting to enjoy!As a first-line radiation plate in Hongqiao main urban area, Allianz Hongyue is only about 1.8 kilometers away from the red line of Hongqiao Main urban area, but the price is much lower than the Hongqiao expansion area, 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! Even lower than the farther Zhao lane!More importantly, the project is not only a price depression, the maturity and industrial level of the local supporting, but also far beyond your imagination.① Transportation:First of all, there are a number of flying buses at the door of the project [Qingpu Allianz Hongyue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! It has at least three advantages over ordinary public lines:First, 20+ intensive shifts in the morning and evening to solve the problem of long waiting time for morning and evening commute by owners;Second, express train, quick access to Hongqiao hub, whether it is Hongqiao work or transfer to other means of transport are very convenient;Third, single seat, comfortable commute, squint for a while or read a book, fragments of time to use!In addition, the project also provides owners with free exclusive community bus (3 years) 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! Starting at the main gate of the community is also one person, which is a special service that belongs to the owners alone, and people in other communities in the same plate can not take it, which ensures that the project owners can get on the train on time to a greater extent, so that the owners can travel more calmly in the morning and evening peak!Reality pictureSecondly, the project is surrounded by Shanghai-Chang Expressway, Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, Shenhai Expressway, Jiamin Elevated [Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) green life! Five major road networks, such as Songze Elevated Road, easily reach Hongqiao Business District, Zhongshan Park, People's Square and other city landmarks.The final project also has subway expectations!According to the "Hongqiao International Central Business District - Comprehensive Transportation Special Planning (2021-2035) for review draft" shows: Line 25 to Jiwang-Xuhui, set up 2 stations in Huaxin, 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Green life! One of the stations is located on Huazhi Road in front of Allianz Hongyue.Remarks: The planning of Line 25 is a process draft, for reference only, subject to the final official announcementOf course, the final landing also needs to see the official website publicity, 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! However, if Huaxin really passes Line 25, the strategic position and travel pattern of the plate will undoubtedly usher in three major qualitative changes:· Huaxin Subway directly reaches the core area of Hongqiao, further receiving the development dividends of Great Hongqiao;· Huaxin goes directly to Xuhui via Line 25, becoming an emerging sector with the demand spilling over from the traditional downtown;· Huaxin seamlessly transfers to Line 13, which is the same horizontal subway line as Line 2, and directly reaches Nanjing West Road, Huaihai Middle Road and other downtown plates. Huaxin, Huacao Xujing strategic position will be level! 【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life!Assuming the above is true, Huaxin's future prospects are self-evident.Even if it is not established, the 4 million level opportunity given by Allianz Hongyue to enter the Hongqiao first-line radiation plate is still very fragrant!In short, the average price is about 46,000 /㎡ now grab Huaxin, [Qingpu Allianz Hongyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) green life! Is already invincible!Project renderings, for reference only② Commercial support:When Xujing New house is still entangled in a supermarket, Allianz Hongyue, located in the core area of Huaxin, has Xinshang Life square at its doorstep, walking to the north of about 77,000 square Bolong Hongqiao Commercial Plaza, 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! Hongqiao Baolong City is a block away.There are also Penglian International Shopping Center, West Suburban Lexin Plaza, Costco, [Qingpu Allianz Hongyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) Green life! Sam's Club and other nearly 400,000 square meters of commercial supporting facilities, unlimited prosperity at your fingertips!Schematic diagram, for reference onlyBolong Commercial Plaza 【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) Green life!Costco rendering(3) Education and medical resources:The project is surrounded by Huaxin Middle School, Huaxin Central Primary School, 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) Green life! Huaxin Kindergarten, Nord Anglia Bilingual School, Minhang District, Shanghai.Disclaimer: Pre-sale houses are not divided into school districts, the introduction of educational resources such as schools around the project is only for reference, the developer does not belong to the school district after the project is delivered, [Qingpu Allian Hongyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! Any commitment made by the school, the allocation of educational resources or the division of schools/districts, as well as the specific admission rules of the school, shall be subject to the latest information disclosed by the relevant competent authorities of the government and educational institutions.In terms of medical resources, the project is surrounded by Huaxin Town Community Medical and Health Center, Shanghai Huatai Hospital, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University (tertiary general hospital, Shanghai medical insurance designated unit), 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (24-hour hotline of the developer) Green life! New Hongqiao International Medical Center, etc.Schematic diagram, for reference onlyFinally, the industry.This is more than most people expected.With a permanent population of 200,000, Huaxin has created a rare industrial cluster of 100 billion in the country [Qingpu Allianz Hongyue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! As an important carrying area for the development of advanced manufacturing industry and modern service industry in Qingpu, Huaxin Town has basically formed two major industrial clusters with high-end manufacturing industry with auto parts as the core and modern service industry with express headquarters as the core.If Huaxin can be incorporated into Hongqiao Innovation Collaboration Zone in the future, industrial empowerment will undoubtedly be able to take it to a higher level! 【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life!Schematic diagram, for reference onlyCommunity: State-owned artisan high-quality waterfront Peninsula community, real scene demonstration zone May 18 pre-opening, 25 officially opened!In the city's steel jungle, the hustle and bustle of work and communication, 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Green life! It's a luxury to get out and enjoy a relaxing vacation once in a while.Therefore, the holiday feeling of "knot Lu in the human environment, and no car and horse noise" is almost the ultimate dream of human settlement experience!Unexpectedly, even tens of millions of luxury homes can not reach the realm, but in the total price of about 3.58 million Allianz Hongyue bloom!According to the latest news! The project community gate and about 7500 square meters of central landscape demonstration area will be pre-opened on May 18, and officially opened on 25, the dream living environment will be lit into reality [Qingpu Allianz Hongyue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Green life! Hurry to sign up at the end of the article and make an appointment to visit the siteUnique project talent, three sides of the waterfront, born with the romance of living by the water! Open 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! The developer also gave full play to this advantage, creating a waterfront peninsula intelligent community, stunning Hongqiao!Project renderings, for reference onlyIn terms of the facade, the project forged diamond curtain aesthetic facade, with a large area of Low-e glass and aluminum panels, through the large proportion of Windows and walls to the south, let the room enjoy the sunshine scenery, [Qingpu Allianz Hongyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) green life! From a distance, it looks like a transparent glass box, full of science and technology, fashion and beautiful!Project renderings, for reference onlyIn terms of community, the project creates a full-age, full-dimensional dynamic and healthy residential area, with a central landscape of about 7,500 square meters regulated by "two axes, one ring and five districts" and a circular fitness walk of about 600 meters. 【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life!You know now urban camping has become a fashion, every weekend in the suburbs of Shanghai, the big lawn is always crowded, so now a word called "lawn freedom".Allianz Hongyue will directly envy others poetry and distance, 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) Green life! Placed in the center of the community, the owner can enjoy the quiet and relaxation of life after returning home, comfortably lying on the lawn reading, and even at the door with the children to set up tents, play and run... Isn't that what a poetic and romantic life is?Project renderings, for reference onlyProject renderings, for reference onlyIn addition to the quiet and elegant living environment, the project can also be called the master level for the creation of the homecoming ceremony!Allianz Hongyue has improved its all-round high standards to create high-quality starry roof basement and double hardcover entry lobby above and below ground, so that every time the owner returns home, he will be respected! 【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life!While the appearance level is outstanding, the project also has intelligent wings, not only let the owner have a safe community environment, but also enjoy the fashionable living experience brought by smart technology!Project renderings, for reference onlyProject renderings, for reference onlyApartment decoration: The construction surface of about 133-88㎡ hardcover quasi existing housing hot in the sale!Allianz Hongyue is currently selling 3-4 rooms with a floor area of about 133-88 square meters, with a large area span for different family cycles. As long as you are optimistic about the development of Great Hongqiao and the potential of Huaxin, there will always be one suitable for you! 【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life!Of course, the design of the project is also a master level, we focus on the construction of about 88 square meters and 99 square meters.① Building surface of about 88㎡ apartment type interpretation:Functionally, the unit has already won half the battle!3 rooms function for longer family cycle, 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) Green life! Before there are no children, the guest room, study and recreation room can be matched. In the future, there is a child, a child, a parent, three generations of warmth.In terms of pattern, the unit has achieved three rooms facing south, excellent lighting performance, and ample sunshine between the owners' lives.The main and second bedrooms are attached with bay Windows, the living room is connected to the south-facing balcony, 【 Qingpu Allianz Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) Green life! A large number of flexible Spaces enhance the external ductility of the unit, but also improve the practical rate.The details are handled in place, the dry and wet separation of the bathroom, and the U-shaped design of the kitchen are all more efficient methods!② Building surface of about 99㎡ apartment type interpretation:This apartment is a popular aircraft apartment in the market.Three open room facing south + north and south transparent, lighting and ventilation effect double explosion.Guest restaurant integration + open kitchen + large-scale viewing balcony, the entire public area is almost no area waste, creating a sense of space and scale far beyond other competitive products in the same price! 【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life!Rooms on both sides of the living room, less interference between bedrooms, more privacy! Master bedroom suite design, with cloakroom + bathroom + bay window, extraordinary bearing, respect.What is more surprising is that the project also gave a sincere hardcover configuration while studying the design of the apartment.Electric towel rack, hidden curtain box, constant temperature faucet and other 30 details to create a refined sense of life, fresh air system, floor heating system, central air conditioning standard brand three large hard-cover delivery [Qingpu Lianlian Hongyue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) green life! The real realization of just need price leapfrog improvement!The actual scene of the project model room can be used for reference:In addition to the price explosion, the project has a unique advantage, that is, the project is already quasi-existing housing state!You know, the relaxation of the conditions for obtaining evidence has greatly compressed the time for the current new house project to be listed from the soil, almost taking the land in the first half of the year to open the second half of the year, but the waiting time to hand in the room after the opening has increased [Qingpu Allianz Hongyue] Official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Green life! According to statistics, most of the new home projects listed in May are delivered in the middle of 2026 or even the end of 2026, with a waiting period of 24-30 months in the middle, do you know what this means?· The loan must be repaid first: taking the total price of 4 million yuan as an example, the first loan is about 2.8 million yuan, and the monthly repayment is about 13,000 yuan (calculated according to the latest commercial loan interest rate). Before living in the house, repay the loan to the bank = about 13,000 ×30 months ≈ about 400,000! 【 Qingpu AlliANZ Hongyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life!· Simultaneous rental: a set of good quality 3 rooms in the inner ring, at least 6000 yuan/month, rent =6000 yuan ×30 months = 180,000!· Anxious waiting: "Uncertainty" such as whether the planned room can be handed in on time and whether it is consistent with the publicity makes people very anxious;Compared with the new house in the same period, [Qingpu Allianz Hongyue] official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Green life! Not only can save a lot of time and money, but also can see is what you get, buy with peace of mind! Official [Qingpu Allianz Hongyue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-181【青浦安联虹悦】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)绿意盎然的生活!
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